PILGRIMAGE is, historically in the Church, a popular form of devotion and recollection.
The Camino of Santiago de Compostella has become an increasingly popular journey of Christians and other people seeking God.
The movie, The Way, starring Martin Sheen and his son Emilio Estevez added to the popularity of this pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint James in Spain.
But not everyone wants to travel overseas and so a number of Australian Caminos have been established.
In December a number of Melbourne priests, including Bishop Vincent Long, took part in the Aussie Camino. This starts from South Western Victoria, from the town of Portland, and concludes at Penola in South Australia, the town made famous as the foundation place of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and Saint Mary of the Cross and Father Tenison Woods. It covers some 200 Ks on a pilgrim walk in the footsteps of the Josephite founders and Australia’s first saint. Further information visit