THE response to Robert Stewart’s address on Refugees at all Masses last weekend was very encouraging. The following email was received from Robert:
“I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the members of our parish – I would never have expected so many people to put their names down to be involved in this work! The response has been truly wonderful.
I have organized for Brigidine Sr Brigid Arthur from the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project to come and address us.
Sr Brigid will talk about the needs of refugees and how we can work to address them.
The provisional date and time is Wednesday the October 14 at 7.30pm (venue to be confirmed later).
Over the next week resource information material from Catholic Social services Victoria and from the Brigidines will be available.
Please read the material in preparation for Sr Brigid’s visit. The aim of the evening will be to develop concrete ideas and strategies about how we can be take in and support a refugee family.
Also Catholic Social services Victoria is hosting a one day workshop on Wednesday October 14: ‘Strengthening Parish Support for Asylum Seekers’.
It will be held at St Ambrose Community Centre, 287 Sydney Rd, Brunswick from 9am – 3.30pm”.