Thanks for 2015 and Best Wishes for 2016

IN the coming week we welcome Christmas and celebrate the beginning of 2016. As I said last week, its been a very big change for me but I have enjoyed the challenges.

I wish to thank Mario Landini, the parish secretary, who also project managed the renovation, for his dedicated and cheerful service to Saint Bridget’s. Also in the presbytery, Val Sinclair and Anne-Marie Kiely who cook and clean for me and Bishop Mark Edwards.

The presbytery area is not a large area and Bishop Edwards will move to Camberwell in 2016. I thank him for his companionship during the year and we wish him well for his continuing ministry in Melbourne. The presbytery will have to further review its budget with the move of the Bishop.

During the year I nominated a new Parish Pastoral Council. Georgina Biondi had been the chair for five years of the previous Council with Fr now Bishop Curtin. The new faces are now better known to the parish. Rick Canale is a solid and reliable chair and the council have formed a good team. I thank them for their work in the past year, particularly in their review of the presbytery finances and their support in the renovation and opening of the church refurbishment.

The Liturgy Committee – Lauren Sanders, Veronica Brunton, Mary Buxton, Bernadette Potter, Tom Coughlan and Jenni Hillman – has helped me with the celebration of liturgies that are dignified and prayerful.

The Sunday evening Mass group, has Robert and Orla, Fearghus and Cian and Pierce Stewart, Kerri-Anne and John Brussen , Mark and Catherine, Tom and Lachlan Worsnop. They have all been selfless in their commitment to this youth oriented Mass.

The liturgy has been more engaging with the presence and ministry of the Altar Servers. These have been recruited, trained and organised by Edgar D’Souza who, in many ways, assists the liturgical ceremonial.

It needs to be acknowledged the tireless work of Shirley Pethick as sacristan and, for countless years of liturgical preparation. In recent months Shirley reduced her work on liturgy and sacristy. However, its been a haul of many years service the like of which I have not known before. She continues to attend to all weekday liturgies and funerals and still manages the bulk of the weekend. Some retirement! Thanks so much Shirley.

Thanks also to Susan Koay and her team who run the Piety Stall. To Maureen Considine and her team of ladies who arrange flowers each week; a special thank-you to the cleaners on the roster. You would be surprised who they are and they are regular and thorough in their work.

Thanks to the Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Money Counters, Greeters, Children’s Liturgy Team, and Tea & Coffee Team.

The Saint Vincent de Paul Society are very active and they work tirelessly for the needy of the parish and wider Melbourne. The financial assistance given them by the parish is extraordinary. Can I suggest that a place is made at every Christmas table this year for the needy stranger?

It is dangerous to single out people but Robert Stewart’s Refugee Project is a fine justice and peace initiative and he has a large group working to develop a plan to re-settle a refugee family.

Also, Jenni Hillman, and the group of organists, who have done a great deal of work to maintain music at the 10am Mass. Sister Katherine Boschetti and the choir have maintained their dedicated presence at the major feasts and on Sunday each month. Dan Riley, our organ scholar, continues to generously play at parish liturgies.

Don Matheson and the counters have recently requested assistance and a good number of people have offered to help. Don has also advised me on other matters to do with the planned giving.

The Finance Committee, Denis Allen, Nick Fels, Mark Lobo and Bibiana D’Souza are there to advise the priest on the annual budget and expenditures. Their advice this year was prudent with regard to the Refurbishment. I appreciated their suggestions and am pleased to advise that, with the generosity of parishioners and the Refurbishment Foundation, we were able to complete the work for $235, 577, under the budget of $265.200. This was a great achievement to you the parishioners of Greythorn.

In thanking people for 2015 I am aware that many names are not explicit and many neglected. My apologies for these omissions but I am conscious of all that you do. I wish to thank-you for making 2015 a busy and successful year.

The parish has its own momentum held together by friendship and a welcoming spirit. Thus, I wish to thank you all for your support of one another and of me in 2015. I wish you all every blessing and I will continue to pray for you and your families in the coming year. May you know and appreciate more deeply, in the Year of Mercy, the love and compassion of God.