TODAY we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. We hear in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, that the Spirit of God, is poured out as ‘gift’ on the Apostles, who had gathered together out of fear, and were then transformed into a group of loving boldness and joy because they were filled with the breath of God.
They then became fearless and joyful proclaimers of the nearness of God’s Kingdom.
The arrival of the Holy Spirit overwhelmingly urged the Apostles and urges us to ‘Go out’ to all nations as living witnesses of our God, who ‘is with us’… at all times, even to the end of the world. The dialect of the committed Christian is easily understood, and its contents is absolutely contagious to its listeners.
This Solemnity of Pentecost is a strong reminder to all of us of the SPIRIT’S GIFTS which we have been freely given, and the responsibility that we all have in nourishing, and using the Spirit’s seven gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgment, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence, Fear of the Lord. The Spirit’s gifts, like anything that lives and breathes, need careful maintenance and nourishment.
Let’s look at the world in which we live: We live in a multi-cultural society, and the differences in language and custom can easily reinforce the barriers which are counterproductive in the process of local and national identity.
If we are truly spirit-filled people the language barrier is dissolved through listening, acceptance of diversity, and a desire to look for the goodness in each other. If we are intent in pursuing nit picking and negativity in new comers to our country, and in those who have their roots deep within this land, we run the high risk of cramping the creativity of the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps the following prayer could be in our hearts and on our lips this day:-
“Holy Sacred Spirit, breathe your breath on us. Holy Sacred Spirit, breathe your life in us.”