FR Dennis’ remarks at the Thursday Aug 25, meeting of the PPC included the following:
– I see many positive signs of life in Saint Bridget’s parish. People are ‘stepping up’. Parishioners are visiting sick, house-bound and retired parishioners; -The Refugee Action Group is very active and has settled and is supporting one family.
-The PPC is organising mornings tea after the 10am Mass.
-The Mini Vinnies has been established and is already taking on projects; The SVDP Society continues to be a model Conference.
-The Meditation Group; Sunday Night Youth Mass with music; the Choir; Sacramental programs and celebration; Altar Servers; the Men’s Nights; Craft Club and Communion to the Sick.
– There is some talk about fewer people at Masses. But this is rather widespread as religiosity declines (secularization). Also, at a certain age, our youth exercise their freedom and cease attending church, while the number of younger families is small in this area. I do my best but I am an academic and the pastoral challenge is considerable.
– I think that one area for the PPC to consider is loneliness as our demographic changes. We have single parents, single households and some people isolated by sickness and lack of mobility.
– Our School is doing well under the fine leadership of Michelle Verna. Prep enrolments for 2017 are healthy. I have been attending interviews with students and their parents for 2017. Our NAPLAN results place us as a school of academic excellence in the area and their are plans to improve our school and Hall facilities.
– Our Finance Committee has recently met to examine income and expenditure to date. The results are pleasing and the parish remains, not just solvent, but generous, including towards the many appeals that are made. There are challenges for a parish the size of Greythorn. But parishioners continue to meet these challenges and remain generally very supportive of the parish and one another.