Parish Reflection Day

bibleJOIN  in praying the scriptures at the Parish Reflection Day at St Bridget’s on Saturday, October 8 from 10am – 3pm.

St Thomas Aquinas wrote that in the experience of faith there are two words:  the outside word that is given to us in the Scriptures and the inner word that the Holy Spirit puts in our hearts.  When these two words come together, we reach a very deep communion with the Lord.

The reflections will be based on Scripture passages using Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) to cultivate the ability to listen with our heart’s ear for God’s voice, and Ignatian imaginative contemplation to make the Gospel scene real and alive.  We will be guided by two spiritual directors trained in Ignatian spirituality.

Please register your participation on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. A light lunch, tea and coffee will be served. Gold coin donation welcome.