Parishioner Annette Burkhalter

WE recently honoured Annette through an outstanding service award but, recently, there was a short biography published by the SVDP Society which is a beautiful summary of her commitment to others.

Some people come to the Society early in life, perhaps through their parish and a friendly tap on their shoulder; others in retirement.

Annette’s path was circuitous but logical. She spent over 15 years supporting a range of disadvantaged causes, which proved to be the best apprenticeship and what would in the end, instinctively, draw her to join her local conference.

The experiences she has had and the people she has met through a number of services overlap and form a complete picture of a life of service well lived.

Her drive, outgoing personality and deep-seated compassion have made her a natural for conference work. A range of experiences has given her an inherent understanding of homelessness and its many causes and consequences.

On her fridge, she has some good advice, it’s a note that a grandmother had given to a young child. Annette refers to it regularly “Wash what is dirty, water what is dry. Warm what is cold, feed who are hungry. Guide what goes off the road and love people who are least lovable because they need it most”.