End of 2016

WE will soon finish another year. Perhaps it was my extended leave in Spain and the Camino pilgrimage or maybe its age but 2016 has seemed fast paced.

The Melbourne Cup is over and I read that Year 12 graduations are in progress and my calendar tells me that Advent begins on November 27. 2017 does not seem too far off.

When I look back, which may be premature, I think that the outstanding feature of the parish has been the energy and initiative of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC).

Priests are, as far as I can see, still vital to parish life but it is the era for the laity. That is clear from the direction of the Spirit in the church.

If the life of faith is to flourish in our lives and families, it must be from the activity of lay Christians in the parish setting. That is why I hope that we can all support our PPC and its work.

Our School too, though smaller, is a key part of parish life. The new Principal, Michelle Verna, is driving the school as a centr for excellence in education. She is equally committed to the faith life of the students and their families.

Year’s end is always a time for reflection and I hope and pray that we can use this time for positively finding energy for a better year ahead.