AT St Bridget’s, and in most parishes of the Archdiocese there are two collections at each Sunday Mass. Both collections have specific purposes.
THE FIRST COLLECTION – taken up immediately after the Prayers of the Faithful, and commonly referred to as the Presbytery Collection. It is for cash/cheque donations only. Do not put Stewardship envelopes in this collection. Contributions to this collection are used to firstly pay the Priests Retirement Fund and what’s left over is used to support the parish priest’s living, car and stipend expenses and pay for the housekeeper.
THE SECOND COLLECTION – taken up immediately after Communion, and commonly known as the “Stewardship Contribution”. For those using weekly envelopes, they are collected here, if you do not use envelopes, cash can also be placed in this collection. Donations in the second collection are used to support the running operations and maintenance of the parish (eg liturgical requirements, water, gas, electricity, property maintenance, loan repayments etc)
On occasions there is a Leaving Collection at the door. This is for a specific charity or organisation as directed by the Archdiocese. Parishioners have been generous with donations to all the collections, and your support is acknowledged.