Working With Children Checks

AT the Parish and at  St Bridget’s Parish Primary School we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school and parish.
Our commitment is drawn from and is inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel  (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria [ CECV] Commitment Statement to Child Safety).

The Victorian Government has introduced minimum Child Safe Standards into law to ensure organisations providing services for children create child safe environments. This policy takes into account relevant legislative requirements within the state of Victoria, including the specific requirements of the Victorian Child Safe Standards as set out in Ministerial Order No 870.
As part of our commitment to child safety, all volunteers at the Parish and at St Bridget’s Primary School must have a current Working with Children Check.

Complete the online form and then finalise your application at a participating Victorian Australian Post retail outlet. Cost for volunteers is free, but please ensure you state “volunteer” on your application. The website is
Once you have received your card, please present this to the School Office or Parish Office (which ever is applicable) to be recorded.