IN his Easter message for 2017, the Archbishop of Melbourne, Denis Hart, reminds us that although the Easter message is timeless, it echoes differently from year to year, reflecting the changing world in which we live.
Referring to recent tragedies in Egypt, London and the Middle East, Archbishop Hart reminds us that we are, through Jesus’ cross and resurrection, all one. He reminds us of the Church’s call to reach out to all suffering and vulnerable people, from refugees to the poor, the unborn, the aged and especially, the children.
Pausing to consider the recent great shame of the Church in Australia, Archbishop Hart again asks forgiveness for the times the Church has failed in its sacred duty. He also points out to us that, despite the crosses we are all asked to carry, the Easter season is a reminder that our struggles are not the final word.
The final word is new life in the risen Christ. The following is a link to the actual message and video clip