THE last opportunity to enrol your children from State schools to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation will be Tuesday February 19 from 3.45pm. Classes run from 4 pm till 4. 45pm from that Tuesday during the school term. Enrolment forms are available in the narthex or on the parish website: […]
Category: Catechism Classes
Sacramental Preparation for Children 2019
PARENTS whose children attend State schools are invited to enrol their children for the parish Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation classes in 2019. Enrolment Forms are available in the narthex or on the parish website. Download two page form at this link. Enrolment day is Monday February 4 at 7pm in the church narthex. Parents […]
Parish Sacramental Classes
THE last opportunity to enrol your children in religious education classes to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation will be Tuesday April 17 from 3.45pm. Classes run from 4 pm till 4. 45pm each Tuesday during the school term. Enrolment forms are available in the narthex or download from the this […]
Enrolment For Sacramental Program
PARENTS whose children attend State Schools are invited to enrol their children for the parish Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation classes. Enrolment Forms are available in the narthex or on the parish website link: Enrolment form Enrolment is still open on Tuesday afternoons between 3.45pm and 4pm in the church narthex. Classes in reparation […]
Sacramental Program Enrolment
PARENTS whose children attend State schools are invited to enrol their children for the parish Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation classes. Enrolment forms are available in the narthex or on the parish website (click to download form). Enrolment day is Monday February 5 at 7pm in the church narthex. Parents and their children are required […]
Confirmation Ceremony
CONGRATULATIONS to the 20 children from the parish who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Monsignor Anthony Ireland at St Bridget’s Church on Friday, August 11 at 7pm. As part of their preparation the children have made mini banners (pictured) that are displayed in the narthex. There is also a folder with a profile […]
Children’s First Reconciliation
SIX children from neighbouring State schools and five from St Bridget’s Primary school received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in the parish on Wednesday, May 17. Thanks to Rebecca Fells who prepared the children from the State schools and the teachers who prepared the children from the school. Children from State schools can prepare for […]
2017 Dates for Sacraments
Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday May 17. First Communion will be held on Sunday June 25 Confirmation will be held on Friday August 11.
Parish Sacramental Classes
THE last opportunity to enrol your child to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation will be Tuesday, February 28 from 3.45pm. Classes run during the school term, from 4 pm till 4. 45pm from that Tuesday. Enrolment forms are available in the narthex or on the parish website.
Enrolment & Catechism classes
ENROLMENT day is Monday February 13 at 7pm in the church narthex. Parents and their children are required to attend on enrolment day and meet with Fr Dennis Rochford. Enrolment Forms are available in the narthex or on the parish website. Classes will begin on Tuesday February 28 from 4pm to 4.45pm. Dates for the […]