SAINT Bridget’s Catechism and Sacramental Classes commence again on Tuesday, February 27. St Bridget’s is dedicated in nurturing and teaching the Catholic faith to all children, and preparing them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. We are seeking parishioners who can:- create a positive learning environment, passionate and enthusiastic about teaching […]
Category: Catechism Classes
Religious Instruction & Sacramental Classes
PARENTS whose children attend State Schools and want their children prepared for the Sacraments are invited to enrol their children for the parish Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation classes. Enrolment Forms are available in the narthex or on the parish Enrolment Forms are available in the narthex or on the parish website. Enrolment day is […]
Catechism classes Term 1 2016
Classes for Reconciliation and First Communion begin Tuesday March 1 from 4pm to 4.45pm Confirmation class: Begin Monday March 7 from 4pm to 4.45pm. Classes end for Term 1 Monday March 21 (Confirmation) Tuesday March 22 (Reconciliation & First Communion)
Catechism Classes Enrolment
PARENTS whose children attend State Schools are invited to enrol their children for Religious Education classes and Sacrament Preparation. Enrolment Forms are available in the narthex or on this link Enrolment form. Enrolment day is Monday February 29 at 7pm in the church narthex. Parents and children are required to attend on enrolment day and […]
Teachers Urgently Needed For Catechism Classes
TO enable St Bridget’s parish to continue offering catechism classes for children from State schools, teachers are required to prepare the children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion & Confirmation. Parishioners are invited to take on this ministry. No teaching experience is necessary as lesson plans are provided each week. The classes are held […]
Sunday Morning Children’s liturgy
THE children’s liturgy conducted during the Sunday 10am Mass will resume on Sunday January 31. People to teach the liturgy are required. No experience is necessary, lesson plans are available to assist. Please contact the parish office if you are able to assist.
Teachers Urgently Needed For Catechism Classes
TO enable St Bridget’s parish to continue offering catechism classes for children from State schools, teachers are required to prepare the children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion & Confirmation. Parishioners are invited to take on this ministry. No teaching experience is necessary as lesson plans are provided each week. The classes are held […]
ON Saturday, August 29, the parish celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation for 26 candidates. Bishop Mark Edwards has met with them on their retreat at Lysterfield. We pray for them on this special occasion in their faith lives. We thank their teachers, Lauren Sanders, Dianne Viola, Katie Bryan and Gina Michele. Also, Judy Molan and […]
Sacrament of Confirmation
THE sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for 26 young people on August 29, 6pm Vigil Mass, in the parish. We thank the teachers at St Bridget’s Parish Primary School for their fostering the faith and the catechesis of the children. Also, Edgar D’Souza and Lauren Sanders for catechising the children from other schools in […]
First Eucharist
THESE two Sundays, August 9 & 16 the 10am Mass community will expand with family and friends of the children receiving their First Communion. I would like to acknowledge the teachers and parents who are so important in the preparation of the children for the life of faith. We welcome them and pray for them […]