Working Bee

THE next parish working bee to complete the clean up behind the Church will be held on Saturday, September 24 from 8.30am to 12.30pm. Please bring gloves, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrow and whipper snippers will be handy. Light lunch will be served, so please indicate your attendance on the clipboard in the narthex.

Parish Reflection Day

SAINT Bridget’s Parish Reflection Day will be held on Saturday  October 8 from 10am – 3pm. The reflection is based on the Scriptures using Lectio Divina  (Divine Reading ) and Ignatian contemplation. These ways of praying do not treat scripture as texts to be studied but as the Living Word of God. This gentle listening […]

Fun Fair

ST Bridget’s school community are having a Fair on Saturday October 15 from  3.30pm till 7pm with lots of fun rides, activities, food stalls, bric-a-brac and more. Keep the day free to support the school. If any parishioner would like to set up a stall rental spots are available. Contact the school for details: Phone: […]

Sacrament of Confirmation

TWENTY one children (10 from parish and 11 from the school) received the Sacrament of Confir familiar with. Like apps that are the “downloaded” Spirit is  dormant and  must b e tapped to be launched. Once fired up the Spirit “app launches and becomes, not bronze, silver but flourishes into gold. Fr Dennis thanked the […]