LAST Saturday, July 23, was the fundraiser for RAG (Refugee Action Group) at Saint Bridget’s. And what a mighty effort? A full expression of generosity and inter-parish cooperation with Saint Dominic’s parish. As expected, Saint Bridget’s ‘punched well above its weight’. Almost half the total raised, which was considerable, can be attributed to this parish. […]
Category: Parish Events
Volunteer at St Catherine’s
ST Catherine’s Aged Care, at 1 Clayton Road, Balwyn, is in need of volunteers to assist with activities for the aged or just visiting them for a chat. Share your time and talent, any day any time. Visiting the sick is a work of mercy. Caring for the sick and lonely is an essential part […]
St Bridget’s Refugee Action Group
THE group has been up and running since last September. We came together as a group in response to the Pope Francis’s call for parishes to take in a refugee family. We are collaborating with St Dominic’s in Camberwell who have successfully run a refugee assistance program for the last two years. The group – […]
Catechism classes Term 1 2016
Classes for Reconciliation and First Communion begin Tuesday March 1 from 4pm to 4.45pm Confirmation class: Begin Monday March 7 from 4pm to 4.45pm. Classes end for Term 1 Monday March 21 (Confirmation) Tuesday March 22 (Reconciliation & First Communion)
Lenten Program
EASTER is early in 2016. Ash Wednesday, which commences Lent, is on February 10. I planned four meetings for the Lenten program, to prepare spiritually for Easter. These would be on Wednesdays in Lent at 7.30pm till 8.30pm. This year I would plan a different format. I am suggesting that we have it in the […]
Lenten Services
Ash Wednesday February 10 Mass with Blessing and distribution of the Ashes: 9am and 7.30pm. Lenten Program – Spiritual Preparation for Easter February 17 & 24, March 2 &9: Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm Reconciliation: Rite 2, with private Confession: Wednesday March 16 at 7.30pm
Teachers Urgently Needed For Catechism Classes
TO enable St Bridget’s parish to continue offering catechism classes for children from State schools, teachers are required to prepare the children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion & Confirmation. Parishioners are invited to take on this ministry. No teaching experience is necessary as lesson plans are provided each week. The classes are held […]
New Year’s Day
FRIDAY January 1 is New Years Day, First Friday of the month and the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. Mass is at 9am including the Anointing of Sick.
Reconciliation on Wednesday December 23
OUR date for Advent Reconciliation, in preparation for Christmas, is left late. This has the advantage of urgency but risks being cluttered out by the endless round of parties, shopping and slowing-down work. I do hope that this does not stop us from this very special opportunity to make Reconciliation. Three priests will be available […]
New Principal for Saint Bridget’s school
MICHELLE Verna will be the new principal at Saint Bridget’s Catholic Primary School. She is currently the acting principal at Saint Thomas the Apostle Primary School, Blackburn. Ms Verna holds a Bachelor in Education (1991); Post-Graduate Diploma (Student Welfare) (2003) and Master of Educational Leadership (2012). She has considerable classroom experience across the primary school […]