Celebrating Diversity

PARISHIONERS are invited to Celebrate Diversity Day in our parish hall. The joint event organised by St Bridget’s primary school and the parish will be held on Sunday, June 17 from 11am – 2pm. Come along and Celebrate Diversity of culture with international festivities of food, dancing music and many more activities etc. Please bring […]

Leader Ministry

THE parish is looking at introducing the Ministry of Leader at Sunday Masses. The role of the Leader is to introduce the Mass, read the Psalm, Prayers of the Faithful and Communion Antiphon. The Leader will read from a point within the congregation, probably near the pipe organ, but not from the lectern. Typically volunteers […]

School Knit & Give Project

ST Bridget’s school parents and students are actively involved in the KOGO (Knit One, Give One) project, and invite the parishioners to join them in knitting woollen squares for this worthy project. Come to St Bridget’s school office and get the 8 ply wool at no cost. You just need to provide your own 4mm […]

Afternoon Reflection

THE parishes in the Boroondara Catholic Deanery are holding an afternoon of Reflection and Prayer based on the Gospel of John with the theme of “Make your Home in Me”. This will be held at St Bridget’s Greythorn, on Sunday  April 29 commencing with afternoon tea at 3.30pm for 4pm. Guided Reflection and Prayer at […]

Get Involved in Parish

FOLLOWING on from parishioner’s interest and feedback on parish activities last November (2017), the Parish Pastoral Council is inviting you to participate in: SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE – parishioners to assist in serving coffee after Sunday 10am Mass, SOCIAL FUNCTIONS – parishioners to join an organising committee, WORKING BEES – parishioners to assist with sweeping and […]