PARISHIONERS are invited to a dress rehearsal and matinee of “When I grow up” performed by St Bridget’s school children on Thursday November 23 at noon at Susan Alberti Auditorium, Sienna College, Riversdale Road, Camberwell.
Category: Parish Events
Vision For the Future
THE Parish Pastoral Council would like feedback and parishioner’s practical and actionable ideas to develop a vision for St Bridget’s future. What kind of a parish do we want? Parishioners are encouraged to stay behind after Mass next weekend November 18 & 190 to discuss ideas with members of Council, or offer their ideas via […]
Parish Vision
Download (click on link) below and read suggestions from the Parish Pastoral Council on its proposed parish vision. ParishVisionBulletinInsert
Thanks From St Bridget’s Primary School
THE School P & P (Parents & Parishioners ) committee thank all the parishioners who supported the Trivia Night last Saturday, Oct 22. The fundraising effort exceeded expectations with more than $6000 raised that will go towards the development of the new outdoor learning space in the Wellbeing Garden area. Special thanks to Lauren Sanders […]
School Knitting Project
LAST term students took part in the Knitting in Schools program offered by Australian Country Spinners in Wangaratta. Assisted by Margie Maher and Bernadette Landini, the children knitted a number of impressive blankets for the refugee project. A poster displaying a selection of their creative talents is in the narthex.
Parish Welcomes and Farewell Priests
THE parish community warmly welcomes Fr Kevin Lenehan to the parish as Priest in Residence. He will celebrate Mass at St Bridget’s on most occasions. Fr Lenehan arrives in the parish next Friday, September 22 and there will be an opportunity to meet him after each Mass at the weekend and at morning tea after […]
School Trivia Night
THE parish school is holding a Trivia Night on Saturday October 21, starting at 7.15pm-10.30pm, with BYO food. Drinks can be purchased on the night. Promising to be a fun night with lots of games and trivia to challenge your brain. Support our parish school and book a table or purchase individual tickets at […]
Confirmation Ceremony
CONGRATULATIONS to the 20 children from the parish who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Monsignor Anthony Ireland at St Bridget’s Church on Friday, August 11 at 7pm. As part of their preparation the children have made mini banners (pictured) that are displayed in the narthex. There is also a folder with a profile […]
Mayhem Fundraising Night
LAST Saturday’s, July 29, Mayhem Fundraising Night was a wonderful fun night, with a great time enjoyed by all. Thanks to those who attended and also to the many hands who helped with organising the evening. The night raised over $6500. Our next event will be a Movie Afternoon at Palace Cinemas Balwyn. Watch this […]
Music & Mayhem Fundraising Night
FOR more details for next Saturday’s July 29 night click on this link St Bridget’s Parish Music MayhemNight July 2017