Vision For the Future

THE Parish Pastoral Council would like feedback and parishioner’s practical and actionable ideas to develop a vision for St Bridget’s future. What kind of a parish do we want? Parishioners are encouraged to stay behind after Mass next weekend  November 18 & 190 to discuss ideas with members of Council, or offer their ideas via […]

School Knitting Project

LAST term students took part in the Knitting in Schools program offered by Australian Country Spinners in Wangaratta. Assisted by Margie Maher and Bernadette Landini, the children knitted a number of impressive blankets for the refugee project. A poster displaying a selection of their creative talents is in the narthex.

School Trivia Night

THE parish school is holding a Trivia Night on Saturday October 21, starting at 7.15pm-10.30pm, with BYO food. Drinks can be purchased on the night. Promising to be a fun night with lots of games and trivia to challenge your brain.  Support our parish school and book a table or purchase individual tickets at […]