THE Feast of our patron saint, St Bridget, will be celebrated on Sunday July 23 at 5.30pm with a school family Mass followed by refreshments. On Monday July 24 at 9am we will again celebrate Mass with the whole school followed by a day of activities at the school to mark the feast day. Parishioners […]
Category: Parish Events
Music & Mayhem Fundraising Night
THE fun night will held in St Bridget’s Parish Hall on Saturday July 29th from 7pm. It is already shaping up to be an enjoyable night with the Wynyards playing along with the Barber Shop Group. Tickets cost $25 per head with tables of 10 available. Bookings are now open. Flyers are in the […]
Refuge Action Group Music & Mayhem Fundraising Night
A FUN night of music and games will be held on Saturday July 29 from 7pm in the Parish Hall, with our very own “Wynyards” as well as the Barber Shop Singers. Cost $25 per person, tables of 10 can be booked or come and join others. Flyers will be up in the narthex next […]
School News
SOCIAL NIGHT: Saturday, June 17, 6-8pm: Cost is only $15 (5yrs plus) and $8 (under 5yrs) Venue: Pumped up Inflatables at 3/9 Clarice St, Box Hill. Bookingings close on June 14 can be made on No BYO. Food and drink are available at the venue. FUND RAISER: The school is holding a chocolate fund-raiser […]
Lenten Sacrament of Reconciliation
THIS Wednesday April 5, night at 7.30pm, during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, priests will be available in the Church for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) in preparation for Lent. Please think seriously about dropping in to make reconciliation before the Easter ceremonies.
Retirement And Farewell
Fr Rochford will celebrate his final Mass at St Bridget’s on Sunday April 16. The Parish Pastoral Council extends an invitation to parishioners with the opportunity to farewell Father Rochford at the 10am, Mass on Palm Sunday, April 9, (NOTE new date) followed by morning tea in the narthex. Parishioners attending are asked to […]
Last Weeks
THANKS to everybody for their prayers and expressions of support for my illness. Also, for the words of thanks that many of you have expressed. After having consulted with the Archdiocese and my, I confirm that I leave for Sydney on Monday, April 17, after Easter Sunday. I regret that this leaves some commitments incomplete. […]
School Mass
NEXT Friday, March 31, Fr Rochford will celebrate the final School Mass for Term 1 at 9am. All parents and parishioners are encouraged to support our school community by participating at the Mass. Following Mass the children will present an Easter Paraliturgy.
Retirement And Farewell
FR Dennis Rochford will celebrate his final Mass at St Bridget’s on Easter Sunday, April 16 at 10am. The Parish Pastoral Council extends an invitation to parishioners with the opportunity to farewell him with Mass, followed by morning tea in the narthex. Parishioners attending are asked to bring a plate to share for morning tea. […]
Parish Update
I HAVE had some correspondence with the Archdiocese and the date for my leaving Greythorn will be the week of April 17, the beginning of the Easter Octave, after Easter Sunday. At the very least there will be a priest to take over Masses after my departure. So pastoral care will continue and, very possibly, […]