Lenten Journey 2017

THIS year’s theme for the Lenten Journey is Opening our Hearts and Minds. The Journey continues each Wednesday evening during Lent at 7.30pm. This year the Lenten Journey is a two part session beginning with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a Scripture reading, reflection and prayer, followed by discussion groups. Parishioners may participate in either […]

Lent 2017

LENT commences on Ash Wednesday, March 1 with Masses at 9.15am and 7.30pm including  the Blessing and distribution of the Ashes. The Lenten Journey, to prepare for Easter will be held each Wednesday evening during Lent at 7.30pm. The Lenten Journey is a two part session, with prayer, scripture reading and reflection followed by discussion […]

Ladies Craft Group

LADIES interested in joining the group for a “cuppa & chat & craft” are welcome. The group meets every Friday from 9-11am. The knitting ladies would welcome any donations of surplus wool, for their charity project, please bring it along to the narthex on Friday morning. A sample of their work (which is later donated […]

Distribution of Christmas hampers

THE parish and St Vincent De Paul Society (SVDP) will be distributing Christmas hampers to the needy in North Balwyn and Fitzroy North on Sunday, December 11.  Hampers will be available for collection and distribution from the narthex between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Sunday morning. The distribution of hampers must be carried out in pairs.  […]

World Mission Sunday

THIS weekend, Oct 22-23,  is observed as World Mission Sunday. The annual appeal collection will be taken up after all Masses. The collection will be taken up on leaving Mass, and donations can be made by using envelopes or cash.  This year marks the 90th anniversary of World Mission Day. The 2016 theme for the […]

Parish Reflection Day

JOIN  in praying the scriptures at the Parish Reflection Day at St Bridget’s on Saturday, October 8 from 10am – 3pm. St Thomas Aquinas wrote that in the experience of faith there are two words:  the outside word that is given to us in the Scriptures and the inner word that the Holy Spirit puts […]