“WE must always say ‘no’ to violence in the home,” says Pope Francis. The Catholic Bishops of Victoria have issued Nov 29, a statement of Domestic violence. Domestic violence (DV) is a crisis in Australia – each week a woman dies at the hands of her partner or ex-partner. It is estimated that on in […]
Category: Pastoral Messages
Asylum Seekers & Refugees
THE Federal Government is to introduce legislation banning those who arrived in Australia by boat from July 2013 onwards from ever being able to apply for a visa to stay in Australia. Bishop Vincent Long who is a member of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and delegate for Migrants and Refugees, recently said “seeking asylum […]
Pope Francis And Refugees
POPE Francis recently addressed the issue of refugees. He noted that the only way for resolution is through solidarity where everyone pitches in because “all together we are a powerful force of support for those who have lost their homeland, family, work and dignity.” In his address the Pope continued his series of reflections on […]
Can I Change?
EVANGELIST Luke narrates the episode of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) so that his readers would better discover what they can expect of Jesus: the Lord they invoke and follow in the Christian communities has come back to seek out and save what is lost. They must never forget it. At the same time, this story of […]
parable of the widow
THE parable of the widow and the unscrupulous judge is, like many others, an open story that can resonate differently in different listeners. According to Luke, it’s a call to pray without growing tied, but it’s also an invitation to trust that God will do justice for those who cry out to God day and […]
Life, Marriage And Family Sunday
TODAY, Oct 9, is observed as Life, Marriage and Family Sunday. Whatever our situation in life, we all come from a family. Link to Pope’s booklet Two Synods (2014 & 2015) allowed Pope Francis and the Church to examine marriage and the situation of families in today’s world and has raised a renewed awareness of […]
Catholic And Anglican Cooperation
YEARS after Vatican II Council and an apparent ‘cooling’ of ecumenical relations, it was refreshing to see Pope Francis making advances with Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Video link They both declared that they would work together to help the poor and protect the environment despite their differences over women priests and gay marriage. […]
Increase Our Faith
FAITH and prayer are closely linked. Faith is the belief in the things that Jesus revealed to us about God, while prayer is turning our mind and heart to God and listening to what he reveals to us. The apostles said to Jesus “Increase our faith”, and Jesus replied,“If you had faith the size of […]
Social Justice Sunday
TODAY, Sunday Sept 25, is observed as Social Justice Sunday. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has issued the annual statement titled “A Place at the Table – Social Justice in an ageing Society”. It draws our attention to an ageing population and our journey into old age which presents us with challenges and opportunities. The […]
Reflection On The Rich Man And The Beggar
THE contrast between the two protagonists in the parable is tragic. The rich man dresses in purple and linen. His whole life is luxury and ostentation. He only thinks about “feasting magnificently every day”. This rich man has no name since he has no identity. He is a nobody. His life, empty of compassion, is […]