Day Of Peace

THE global forces of the United States and the Russian Federation are again at war, together with their regional stakeholders, purportedly against terrorist forces, in Syria. I am no expert on this complex and frightening spectacle of human barbarism but the lines are blurred. Pope Francis called on Christians to pray for peace. To this […]

Creation Sunday

THIS week we are encouraged to make the theme of God’s creation central. The Liturgy Committee organised a Vigil last Wednesday on this very theme. Today I thought I would make my own brief summary of  Laudatio Si, the 2015 document of Pope Francis. This is not meant to replace reading the document but to […]

Pope’s Joy Of Love

THERE has been an undercurrent of criticism from some people and groups within the Church about the perceived lack of specificity in Pope Francis’ encyclical Amoris Laetitia. This was the letter, written by the Pope about the conclusions to the Synod on the Family. It seems that the pastoral tone of the Pope’s Letter, which […]

Year Of Mercy

THE Catholic Church in Australia observes the first Sunday in July as Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Sunday. We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land. The Jubilee Year of Mercy is an opportunity to experience and, more importantly, encounter God’s Grace on many levels. By encountering God’s Marcy on an individual level we avail […]