Detention Centres

MUCH continues to be said about asylum seekers and detention centres. The Bishop of Parramatta-designate, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, has labelled detention centres “prisons”, and in his new role hopes to tackle youth radicalisation and the perception of asylum-seekers. Bishop Long was appalled by Australia’s current stance on asylum-seekers. “I regret that Australia as […]

Reflection On Pentecost

TODAY we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. We hear in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, that the Spirit of God, is poured out as ‘gift’ on the Apostles, who had gathered together out of fear, and were then transformed into a group of loving boldness and joy because they were filled […]

Joy of L:ove

IN his apostolic exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (Joy of Love), Pope Francis is convinced that the Christian vision of marriage and family also has an unchanged force of attraction.  But it demands “a healthy dose of self-criticism”. We needs also to be humble and realistic, acknowledging at times that the way we present our Christian beliefs […]

Pope Francis And Legalism

POPE Francis has criticised those who care more about the letter of the law than people’s individual situations in the context of his recent letter Amoris Laetitia and its tone of mercy. Speaking during a homily at Mass last Monday April 11, the Pope warned Catholics against such behaviour by recalling the attack of blasphemy […]

Letter From Pope Francis

THE language and style of Amoris Laetitia (Joy Of Love) is simple and engaging. The Pope tries to speak about human experiences in a warm, concrete and compassionate way. This is not always the case with Church documents which tend to have divided relationships into ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ according to an arbitrary law or discipline. […]