LENT 2018 commences on Ash Wednesday February 14. Masses (with the Blessing and distribution of the Ashes) on Ash Wednesday will be at 11.45am and in the evening at 7.30pm.
In preparation for Ash Wednesday, Burning of the Palms will take place at the school courtyard at 9.15am on Tuesday February 13. Parents and parishioners are encouraged to attend and participate with the school children in this ceremony of burning and preparing the ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is a day of Fasting and Abstinence from meat. Lent is a time of penance. During this time the faithful are expected to devote themselves in a special manner to prayer, works of piety and charity and to deny themselves.
A Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Denis Hart with a few thoughts on Lent is available in the narthex or via this web link, his theme this Lent is “Repent and believe the good news”.