Meeting Of The Parish Pastoral Council

The PPC meet for the first time in 2016 on Thursday, January 28. We had a full contingent except for Edgar D’Souza who is overseas.

Principal Michelle Verna Click to enlarge pic
Principal Michelle Verna
Click to enlarge pic

Ms Michelle Verna, the new school principal was present and made warmly welcome. She gave a verbal report on her first days at Saint Bridget’s and was positive and constructive about the school, referring to her first contacts with the local kindergartens and reporting on several new enrolments in the school. She has already met with parents over Morning Tea and has planned the Opening Mass which was on Wednesday February 3.

I reported to the PPC on the following: Christmas Masses; January liturgies (New Year and Australia Day); the Christmas Envelopes; the 2016 Budget which has yet to be discussed by the Finance Committee; Planning for 2016, including the Lenten Program, Reconciliation, Easter, Contemplative Mass, Music in Liturgy and Ministry to the sick. There were other matters to do with Finance and an ongoing discussion about the level of funding in the First Collection (presbytery).

No doubt other matters will emerge during the year. There is already a discussion around the children’s liturgy and the catechetical program. This is ongoing