AS you already know I have not been well, particularly this past year. In 2014 I suffered an episode of acute pancreatitis and was hospitalised in St Vincent’s, Sydney.
In 2015 I underwent a surgery to remove pancreatic cysts and recovered quite well. Regrettably, as I had been warned at the time, chronic pancreatitis has recurred.
I have, therefore, and with reluctance, decided to retire early. The Archdiocese, and my Province, has been very gracious in accepting my decision.
The date for my departure is set for after Easter, that is, after April 17. I leave with happy memories of your welcome and kindness and look forward to walking the Lenten journey and celebrating Easter with you.
As with all departures, a new phase opens for the parish and the Archdiocese is in the process of making the new arrangements for a replacement at St Bridget’s.