POPE Francis has approved the Australian Bishops’ decision to hold a Plenary Council in Australia in 2020 and 2021. It is a significant moment for the Church in Australia to make decisions about the future. To prepare the agenda for the Plenary Council, all God’s people are invited to reflect on the question: “What do […]
Refugee Action Group’s barbecue
THE Refugee Action Group (RAG) will hold a barbecue, Sunday June 3 after the 5.30pm in the courtyard, to celebrate the success of the program in resettling the refugee family (Thina, Ela and children). RAG and the parish has been assisting for the past two years. Thina is now employed and the family is self-supporting. […]
Mass and prayer times for this week May 14 to May 20
Monday – May 14 No Mass Tuesday – May 15 9am Mass Wed – May 16 No Mass Meditation 9.30am Thursday May 17 No Mass Friday May 18 8.30am Mass Saturday May 19 Reconciliation: 5.30pm Vigil Mass: 6pm Sunday May […]
Mass For Expectant Mothers
Sunday May 27, 11am, St Patrick’s Cathedral, East Melbourne. EXPECTANT mothers and their families are invited to the 2018 Mass for Expectant Mothers, to be celebrated by Archbishop Denis Hart. Registration closes on Friday May 18. The Mass for Expectant Mothers is an annual event that recognises pregnant women at various stages of their pregnancy. […]
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Friday 1 June, 7pm, to Sunday 3 June, 5pm at St Paul’s Missionary College, Nortons Lane, Wantirna South. THIS intimate residential weekend for couples, explores the precious nature of marriage, allowing each couple to share feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in ways that normal daily living tends to inhibit. Couples and a priest […]
Christian leadership
THE Archbishop’s Office of Evangelisation Melbourne is hosting a series of lectures exploring foundations, challenges and opportunities for exercising Christian leadership in the 21st century context. Bookings/enquiries on evangelisation@cam.org.au or 9926 5761.
Celebrating Youth
As part of Year of Youth, the parish of St Francis Xavier Parish, Montmorency is hosting Celebrating Youth on Sunday May 27 at 1pm. It promises to be a great day for musicians, choirs, singers, youth ministers, pastors, liturgy teams and laity…empowering people to be God’s footprint in the world. This event will be led […]
Mass and prayer times for this week May 7 to May 13
Monday – May 7 No Mass Tuesday – May 8 9am Mass Wed – May 9 No Mass Meditation 9.30am Thursday May 10 No Mass Friday May 11 10.30am Mass (funeral) Saturday May 12 Reconciliation: 5.30pm Vigil Mass: 6pm Sunday May 13 […]
Thanks for Contributions
Fathers Mark Reynolds and Kevin Lenehan thank those parishioners who made donations over Lent/Easter: Project Compassion $2073, Easter Offering $1755. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Leader Ministry
THE parish is looking at introducing the Ministry of Leader at Sunday Masses. The role of the Leader is to introduce the Mass, read the Psalm, Prayers of the Faithful and Communion Antiphon. The Leader will read from a point within the congregation, probably near the pipe organ, but not from the lectern. Typically volunteers […]