
Year Of The Youth

THIS year, 2018, is being observed as the Year of Youth in Australia. Activities during the Year of Youth are designed to foster personal and spiritual growth of young people and draw them into responsible participation in the life of the Church, and empower them to live as Christ’s disciples in the world today. In […]

Make Your Easter Chocolate Slavery-Free

TEN years ago there was almost no slavery-free chocolate in supermarkets in Australia. Now, due to public pressure, most supermarkets will sell some. ALDI has a huge range of slavery-free chocolate. When you go to your local supermarket, look for chocolate that has symbols indicating slavery-free chocolate. Visit: If you can’t find any, ask […]

Pathway Of The Passion

ORGANISED by the North Balwyn Inter Church Council, the Pathway of the Passion on Good Friday March 30 will commence at 10.30am at the Rhema Chinese Church, 172 Doncaster Road, and process to the Baptist Church and St Bede’ Church and concluding at North Balwyn Village carpark. All welcome to join this event which re-enacts […]

School needs volunteers

SAINT Bridget’s Parish Primary school needs the assistance of retired or student teachers to assist the class teachers with students who may need extra support with their learning. Any time that you can spare would be appreciated. For further enquires call Acting Principal Robyn Thomson on 9857 6394.

School Open Day

GET to know more about St Bridget’s Parish Primary School at their Open Day, Thursday March 22, from 5pm until 7pm. The Open Day is combined with a Food Market, so come and hear the exciting news of what’s happening in the school and see what the students are working on, meet the teachers and […]

Feedback: Community Life Suggestions

AMONG the feedback from parishioners, received November 2017, was for extending Community Life in the parish. With the feedback, a few practical points were raised. “Many of the suggestions received fall into the category of social functions and we need to establish a group to organise these activities,” Parish Pastoral Council president, Ric Canale said. […]

Feedback: Extend community life

EXTENDING community life was one of the main suggestions from parishioners received last November, 2017. “We were encouraged to continue with tea and coffee after the 10am Mass,” Parish Pastoral Council president Ric Canale said. Calling for more volunteers to become rostered on for tea and coffee duty (once a month at most) Mr Canale […]