
Children receive First Communion

ELEVEN children received their First Communion, Sunday June 25 at the 10am Mass. Seven attended the parish Sacramental Program and four were from the parish school. Each child made a banner to commemorate the occasion. Congratulations to them and their families and may the love of Jesus shine in their hearts.

Child Safe Coordinator Needed

THE Parish is seeking to appoint a volunteer Child Safe Coordinator who would be interested in developing a Child Safe culture within the parish. Ideally, the  person needs to be comfortable to present and provide child safe training to ministry/volunteer groups within the parish. Time involvement is not onerous. Full training by CamCare will be […]

More Melbourne Ordinations

ON Saturday June 24 at St Patrick’s Cathedral at 10am, the Archbishop will ordain Deacons Trevor Tibbertsma and Marcus Goulding to the priesthood. Also ordained will be Tho Tran as a Deacon preparing for priesthood. Hubert Fernando will be ordained as a permanent Deacon on this day as well. This is a time of great […]

Refugee Action Group News

THE refugee group gratefully thanks all parishioners who donated goods to furnish the unit in Eltham as part of the CatholicCare Eltham Refugee Housing and Support Project. The last of the goods were delivered on Saturday, June 10, and the unit is starting to take shape. Look out for photos in the narthex in the […]

Euthanasia Bill will impact all

THE Victorian Government is seeking to introduce euthanasia and assisted suicide later this year. The proposed changes will impact everyone, not just those terminally ill. The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne believes that any proposal to introduce legislation enabling physician assisted suicide and euthanasia does not promote the good order of society and is not for […]

Child Safe Standards Policy

FOLLOWING Government Legislation all organisations are required to have in place by January 1, 2017, a Child Safe Standards Policy and Procedures. A draft Policy and Procedures has been developed at St Bridget’s in consolation with the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, Professional Standards and Ethics Department. This will be reviewed and ratified by the Parish […]

They Are Children! Not Slaves

THE Feast of Canossian nun, St Josephine Bakhita patron saint of Sudan, as well as victims of slavery and human trafficking,  was on February 8, and in support of the call from Pope Francis to end the injustice of human trafficking against all people, in particular children, we remember her  this weekend. The United Nations […]