
Remembering Mothers

MOTHER’S Day gives us an opportunity to reflect on our mothers living or deceased, and how they have given us life and love to enable us to live a peaceful and happy life. What they are and what they do for us are some of the most important influences in our lives. Much of their […]

Good Shepherd Sunday

SUNDAY May 7 was observed as Good Shepherd Sunday, a day when the Church asks each of us to pray for, or to consider a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life. Each person in the community has a role to play in encouraging vocations – whether by prayer, encouragement or personal suggestion. The Pope, […]

ANZAC Day 2017

MANY people joined in proudly when the National Anthem was sung on Anzac Day, and rightly so.  Recently I came across another verse that has been written to the same melody as our National Anthem. It goes like this: With Christ our head and cornerstone, we’ll build our nation’s might,   Whose Way and Truth […]

Youth BBQ

THE youth of the parish are holding a BBQ after the 5.30pm Mass (6.30pm – 8pm) next Sunday May 7, as a social gathering and welcome to Fr Brendan Lane.  Youth of the parish (Year 7 to 25yrs) are encouraged to attend. All food and drinks will be provided.  


TUESDAY,  April 25 is Anzac Day and morning Mass will be celebrated at 9am. This day marks the landing of the Australian and New Zealand soldiers at Gallipoli during the War of 1914-1918. It has become a day of remembrance in which we honour the courage and self-sacrifice of those who have served in all […]