
Living Icons

GOD chooses ordinary and imperfect people – mums and dads – to reveal his extraordinary love. For this reason, Pope Francis describes married couples as “living icons” of God’s creative love. This year, the Archdiocese of Melbourne’s Life, Marriage & Family Sunday takes up this idea with the theme: Living Icons – Mothers, Fathers and […]

March For The Babies

VICTORIA’S Annual March for the Babies assembles in the Treasury Gardens, corner Spring St and Wellington Parade at 1pm Saturday October 13. The march concludes with speeches in front of Parliament House commemorating the 100,000 Australian lives a year that are lost through abortion in our country.

Sparks Of Beauty: Literature

Tuesday October 30, 6.30pm – 8.30pm State Library Victoria AN invitation from the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation to the final in the Sparks of Beauty series for 2018. Join for a conversation with best-selling Australian author Michael McGirr on “The Stories that Make Us” Details: Suzanne Hermon by phone 9926 5761 or via email: