I HAVE wrongly thought that the expression the “scourge” of Methyl amphetamine or Ice was an exaggeration until, prompted by the sad admission by Senator Jackie Lambie that her son was addicted, caused me to investigate further. I read a great deal of material.
Some of it was sensational but the 2014 statistic, that 1970 people were found positive for ice while driving, is alarming, especially when this is such a relatively small portion of the population. What of the bigger and age specific groups? Together with alcohol and premature sexual involvement this and other drugs can be nothing short of a “pain killer”.
It seems that there is a great deal of anxiety and pain in our society, not specific to the young, but including large numbers of them. I can only assume that this is a major concern for families which seem busier than ever. ABC television screened a program during the past week: Frantic Families.
It was not on drugs but on the multiplicity of activities involving children and the demands on time to ‘drop off and pick up’. The suggestion was that we all need to ‘slow down’. While this was not suggested as a solution to the existential pain many feel, it seemed sensible for consideration because, no doubt, communication in families needs free time and leisure to flourish.