THE Parish Pastoral Council met Sept 10, to consider and advise on pastoral matters in the parish.
(1) I presented a report and commented on the selection process for the new School Principal.
(2) I commented on how few volunteers there are for roles around the parish. This is not unique to
Saint Bridget’s. We are now using cards at the 6pm Vigil Mass and could drop to two Ministers
of the Chalice for Communion. Younger volunteers for liturgical roles, Lectors, Ministers of the
Eucharist and even collectors would all be welcome.
(3) With the support of Jenni Hillman we are building the singing group known as the Schola.
(4) We plan to have a calendar of social events and this should be outlined on a Parish Calendar.
(5) I reported on special donations towards the Church refurbishment now totalling $79,952.
(6) There was further discussion about a Social Justice Committee.
(7) Thanks was expressed to those who worked to make the Men’s Night such a success.
(8) There was discussion about the two collections. It was too early to determine whether it has lead to an increase in contributions.
Clarification of the distribution of funds on either collection was made and has since been published in last week’s Bulletin.
Agenda items are welcome and can be lodged with the Parish Office.