Pastoral Home Visitation Program

THE Parish Pastoral Council  in partnership with St Vincent De Paul Society Greythorn, are establishing a new lay ministry of pastoral visits to extend the hand of friendship and solidarity to those in our parish who would welcome a friendly chat with  fellow parishioners.

As a parishioner  or member of SVDP there are a number of ways you can participate in this new ministry:

           You may know of a parishioner who you believe may benefit from a pastoral visit.

           There may be times when you would welcome a pastoral visit from a parishioner.

           You may like to participate in the program by being a Pastoral Visitor. Training will be provided. Visitors will operate on a roster system and must visit parishioners in pairs.

Visitors will not be required to become involved with counselling or social issues, if these arise they must be referred to SVDP.

The frequency of visits will be dependent on “supply vs demand”.

The Pastoral Visiting Program is a way of reaching out as a caring Catholic community to those in need in a simple but effective way.

If you would like a visit, be a visitor, know of someone who would like a visit or would like more information, please contact the parish office 9857 6395 during office hours or by email