Plenary Council: Some Issues raised: 5.30pm Mass

AFTER the 5.30pm Mass, Sunday November 18, some 30 parishioners gathered  to discuss the question – ‘What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?

They broke up into four groups and the following are points raised.

Group 1

  • Break down the barriers /go outside and embrace the “lepers”
  • Not be exclusive
  • Deeds speak louder than words = community service
  • Sell the positive message of what the Church already does in the community
  • We need a different model of Church – more community and less authoritarian
  • Priests need to be spiritual leaders but not running a business such as a parish.
    • Let clergy focus on the spiritual aspects
  • Change Canon law to empower parishioners to live their vocation – embraced the reforms of Vatican II
  • Share the good news of faith and empower people as communities, not as individuals
    • All are called in different ways and have different talents
  • Seek to heal the broken people in society
  • Tap into the (need for) a sense of peace and community

Group 2

  • How can we better live out our faith in a secular society?
  • What steps can we take to connect with the wider community especially in the area of spirituality and prayer?

Group 3

  • God asks us to help the marginalised
    • Be active
    • Reach out
    • Service
    • Participate
    • Be accepting
    • Enjoy life
    • Find positivity
    • Finding goodness in all things and all people

Group 4

  • To put the emphasis on relationships rather and buildings and rules
  • To be more inclusive in every sense
  • To be more innovative – put plans in place to implement the desired changes
  • Pride in being part of the Catholic community whilst acknowledging our mistakes and failures
  • More emphasis on youth involvement through youth groups sporting clubs et cetera
  • Church connecting more with our local community – in this case Greythorn
  • Is there a real desire on the part of the hierarchy for the laity to have a meaningful involvement?
    • What limitations have been placed on involvement
    • Is this just a window dressing exercise? God would appear to be calling for this not to be the case.