IT has been a remarkable year of action in response to Pope Francis call for each parish to ‘Welcome the Stranger In your midst’ and to assist a refugee family.
In January last year, a partnership was consolidated with St Dominic’s in Camberwell, who agreed to provide 50 per cent of rental assistance for a family. In preparation for this, members participated in a CatholicCare training program in March which challenged us to think carefully about our role in aiding asylum seekers. We developed a Guiding Principles Document with the key themes of our mission identified as Hospitality, Fostering Independence, Teamwork and Protecting Confidentility.
Almost immediately, we received a call from Sr Bridget Arthur from the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project seeking our help for a couple at risk and in temporary accommodation with a baby due in six weeks. In May, we moved the couple into a fully furnished and secure home. To support this action an agreement was carefully drafted and structured with CatholicCare and St Dominic’s regarding funding, accounting, and compliance matters. Appropriate financial arrangements were implemented in partnership with the Catholic Development Fund to enable us to receive tax deductible donations.
Last July, St Bridget’s and St Dominic’s combined for a wonderful evening of trivia and entertainment in the Great Hall at Xavier, and raised funds to support the work of each parish to ‘Welcome the Stranger’ project.
In the middle of the year, our family welcomed their new baby and to conclude 2016, they were reunited with their 4-year-old daughter who is now living with them and preparing to commence kindergarten. Over many months, Sr Patsy has provided weekly tuition in English and we have regular meetings with our partner CatholicCare who liaise and support the family.
In 2017 we have plans well advanced to furnish a flat as part of the Syrian resettlement project in Eltham. In response to feedback from CatholicCare and the Brigidine’s. We will trial a software program to match excess resources with those in need. With additional fundraising activity, we hope to support our family through a transition to independence and then assist another family to feel welcomed and supported.
Members contribute in different ways and new members are welcome to be included in updates or attend meetings. For more information, or enquires about St Bridget’s Refugee Action Group contact Robert