Be not afraid: The Gift of Palliative Care
DYING and death are part of human life. Many of us find it difficult to contemplate death, but our faith gives reassurance to those final days. How our life will end is unpredictable, which can make our approach to death difficult. Both the person dying and the persons around them can feel fear, loss and anxiety.
As the end of life draws near, some difficult decisions will need to be made, particularly transitioning from curative treatments to palliative care. It is important to acknowledge and understand that there is no requirement to try every possible treatment when the end is near and recovery seems unlikely.
Planning for the end of life and letting go when the time is right is important for both the patient and family.
Euthanasia intentionally ends someone’s life rather than comforting them while relieving their pain and suffering.
What can you do:
- Be informed
- Talk about it
- Pray about it
- Take action
Resources on the topic and a video clip with some words from Archbishop Hart are available through the Catholic Archdiocese, Life, Marriage and Family Office.