Saint Bridget’s 2016

I MENTIONED already that youth must be a priority. I also stated that new issues do not need old solutions. My suggestion was that many young people and young adults are looking for spirituality and a more contemplative aspect to their Catholic experience.

The Parish Pastoral Council and others need to look at this issue, perhaps with the people who animate the Sunday evening liturgy. We need to work together.

Robert Stewart is developing a great model in the area of social justice. He has taken an important issue – Refugee re-settlement – and, with social media and the internet, garnered a large group of parishioners into a coherent and animated group.

It is not rocket-science! Liturgy and Pastoral Care could do much the same. We have glaring needs in liturgy and a huge number of aged and house bound people not being reached regularly. And we have many young people who are not at church. The challenges are there and they can be addressed.