School excels with Christmas generosity

PRESIDENT SVDP Greythorn, Vyn Tozer sent me the following story about Christmas that reflects the solid values and grounded education provided by the parish school and its excellent students and staff. The appointment of Ms Michelle Verna has been a wonderful asset to the school; the SVDP Society has fostered the Mini Vinnies and a special thanks is owed to Mrs Rosemarie Bucci who has led a revitalised School Board.

“As you may know, our Conference in addition to supporting disadvantaged individuals and

Principal Michelle Verna
Principal Michelle Verna

families around our Parish and Fitzroy North, also supports the Vinnies St Joseph’s Community Store in Vere Street, Collingwood run by Tom Dowd. The Community Store in the main provides food to individuals and families who due to addictions and other challenges aren’t provided with food vouchers because of concerns the vouchers could be sold to support the addictions.

In conjunction with the recent SVDP Christmas Appeal, the Principal of St Bridget’s Primary School, Michelle Verna, with assistance from the Mini Vinnies Team at the school, organised a food drive to provide food for use in the store.  When Tony Hillman and I called at the school last Thursday to pick up the food that had been collected you can imagine our surprise and delight to learn that, in addition to some food donated by parents, the students had also raised $500 which had been spent to purchase more groceries.

The story gets better when you learn how they raised the money. A funding drive raised $97 which was used to buy the ingredients to make and bake cakes and biscuits which were then sold in a cake stall; everything was sold and $450 was raised. A further $50 was donated by some generous teachers.

The Mini Vinnies Team together with other grades 5 & 6 students and their teachers then gathered around my car for a presentation ceremony and to hear shorts speeches of thanks from Michelle and me; they then assisted in loading my car with the groceries. My SUV was groaning under the weight of the groceries.

Tom Dowd was delighted and will arrange for a certificate of appreciation to be prepared and presented to the school.

This is a great Christmas story which not only reflects the wonderful values clearly evident in our Parish School but also goes to the heart of the true meaning of Christmas.”